's been two months. We've moved across 2 states. We now officially reside in the south. There have been lots of changes and adjustments. There tons of great stuff about living in nashville such as, awesome hills everywhere, its just beautiful, the super cool artsy vibe, lots of quaint restaurants, new places to explore, our church that we LOVE LOVE LOVE, and so many nice people. There's also tons of weird stuff about living in Nashville, I've seen countless little boys (and I'm not talking babies, I'm talking 3 year olds) wear little jump suites that have been embroidered and/or cross stitched with things like apples, airplanes, frogs, their names, etc, I've also seen countless hipsters riding on vintage mopeds, there are no curbs anywhere, we don't have a garage or a basement, which I guess is normal, tons of gravel driveways...I guess you can get away with that when you don't have to shovel or snow blow (good thing we left our snow blower in chicago).
A couple notable events. My little Lily Belle turned two this past sunday. What a totally precious little cupcake she is. She really is. And I don't normally talk like that. She is just at this cute cute age. I just want to eat her up!! She is talking all the time about everything. I can't believe how must she talks and how clearly she is talking. The other morning she walked out of her room and said in the clearest little voice, "Isaac, are you watching Wipeout?" I just about fell over. I'm looking at her and thinking...aren't you a baby?? How come you can talk? And, how do you even know about the show Wipeout??
A couple funny Isaac stories.
1. The other day I'm sitting eating lunch or dinner with Isaac and he says, "Holy Crap!!!". I am shocked and look back at him and say, "We do not talk like that!! I do not want to hear you say those kinds of words. Where did you hear that?" He says, "I heard you and daddy say it." Oops... I say, "Well, mommy and daddy shouldn't say that either." And he says, "OK, it must just be for when you are putting things in the attic." I couldn't help but laugh.
2. We have taught Isaac to look at the clock and not get out of bed before 7:00am. It works, kind of, some of the time. So one morning recently Dan and I were still asleep and we hear this voice yelling, "Mmmmmmooooooooommmmyyyyyy, Ddddddaaaaaaaddddddddddyyyyyy, it's time to get up, it's seven!!!!!!" I vaguely remember him coming into our room and I said something like, just go play in your room for a little bit. Then again at 7:15 I hear, "Mommy, Daddy, It's 7, it's time to wake up." But I kind of just roll over and don't respond. then around 7:20 I vaguely think I hear some kind of banging or clanking around, but not enough to get out of bed. Then at 7:30, I see a little face staring at me saying, "mommy, IT'S SEVEN, time to get up!!!!!!" So finally Dan rolls out of bed and comes and asks me if I left out a container of ice cream last night. Of course I didn't!! We soon realize that somewhere between 7 and 7:30 Isaac made his way into the kitchen, got out a bowl and a spoon, he pulled a step stool up to the fridge and opened the freezer. He took out the ice cream, scooped it into a bowl and then went and ate a bowl of ice cream in the living room. That's what you get for sleeping in when you have a three year old. :)