Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beach Today

We had a dream day at the beach in the city today. The kids absolutely LOVED being there. I met up with my oldest friend Betsy and her two little ones (julia and lucas). One funny note, about 20 minutes after we got there Isaac comes up to me and says, "mommy can you turn off the sound of the water?"

if anyone is looking for a great getaway this summer...CHICAGO is your place. It feels like the best place in the world!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Meg - I haven't really met you but I know your husband from high school (and I saw you at the French Market last Saturday and commented on how adorable your kids are). I cannot for the life of me remember how I found your blog, but just wanted to say hi and I love the way you view motherhood and your kids. It's very sweet and encouraging. Also, please let Dan know that his mom has been in my small group at WBC this summer. I put it together this evening and made the connection for her. She is awesome. Blessings to you and your family!
-Ashley (Armbruster) Livingston