Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"That makes me sad"

Since Halloween, we have been having a candy fest around the Orr house. It has gotten a little out of hand. The rule has been that after the kids finish lunch or dinner that they can choose a candy out of their little bags. Well for the last three days lily has come up to me after breakfast (pancakes) and asked for candy, insisting that she finished her whole dinner (she calls every meal dinner). I must admit that I have been using this whole candy thing to my advantage. For instance, if we are running late and I need the kids to hop right into the minivan, I'll suggest that if they get into their seats quickly they can get candy...and you can imagine all the other ways I have been using candy to get what I want. :) Well, as I sat at dinner tonight I realized that it might be good to put a stop to this whole candy madness. As we were all sitting around the table eating, I announced that I had some bad news. I told Isaac and Lily that tonight, even if they ate all their dinner, there would be no candy. Lily...sweet little Lily...got the biggest pout on her face that you could possibly imagine, and in the saddest little voice with her face turned toward the floor she said, "Mommy...that makes me sad. That makes me sad mommy. Mommy, that makes me sad." And she continued to repeat that over and over. It was so sweet and funny. And yes, I was able to hold strong. No candy tonight. :)

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