Saturday, June 28, 2008

Castaway (day 4)

This little swing is attached to our house and Isaac has really been enjoying it. It's nice because as I stand to push him I have a great view of the lake and of the cutest little boy in the world!!
Isaac dressed up in his pirate gear for the pirate night at Castaway.
Some pirates captured Isaac and quickly realized that he was more valuable that their treasure so the emptied out the coins and put Isaac in the box.

JJ and Kelly in the oprea (Rupert and Ruby Broarby). The opera was SOOOOOO good and funny. They all did a GREAT job!!
Dan, Dan, JJ, and Kelly entertaining the crowd in the opera.

Isaac and mommy hanging out in front of a pirate ship that pulled into Castaway (tableau).
Isaac hanging out with some pirate that came in on the ship.

Dan and Dan are leading a dance for all the campers after the opera finished.
Isaac hanging out with some of his new friends; three of the interns here at Castaway!
Dan and Isaac hanging out in thier natural state (no shirts).

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