Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Castaway cont.

OK...well I have kind of gotten tired of all the picture taking and posting. These pictures no longer really correspond to certain days at camp. Days 5, 6, and 7 kind of all blurr together as camp fun. So from here on out I will just post some of our fun camp pics.

This is the house that we live in at Castaway. All of the assignment teams live in these houses. It is a wonderful place to spend a month!!
Ond of the little girls that lives in our house (jenna) had a birthday a couple days ago. We suprised her with a little party...but a lot of fun! :)
Isaac and his daddy enjoying some of the party fun! ( I know that his hair is getting totally out of control. There are a couple reasons: 1. I don't have any hair cutting scissors here. 2. I know that when I do try to cut it, it is going to be a nightmare meaning that Isaac will hate it and try to push the scissors out of my hands. 3. I don't trust anyone else to cut it (I know... sometimes I am weird and controlling about weird things.) 4. I think that it is so cute. I always twirl his little curls around my finger and I love kissing his hair and just nusseling my nose into it.)
Chair on our deck overlooking the lake. I LOVE the lake. From our bedroom windown we can hear boats all the time. The other night I looked out and the moon was shining on the water in the most beautiful way. Also, there are Loons that live on this like right by us. If you have ever heard a Loon (sp?) they are such beautiful sounding birds...a big haunting at times...but beautiful none the less.
Our deck at sunset. Seriously people, this is the way it looks EVERY NIGHT!! Last night Dan and I got to sit out here for an hour or so after we put Isaac to bed and just enjoyed the beauty of creation.

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