Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Castaway (day2)

So, here is the update for day 2 at Castaway. On a side note, the first week that we were here the weather was horrific!! Literally it rained every day and we were lucky to hit 50 degrees. I was starting to mourn the loss of summer. Well, since then we have been really blessed. It has been about 80 and sunny with a nice cool breeze EVERY DAY!! It kind of feels like we are in heaven. Another interesting thing for me has been how light it stays so late. Us being so far north and at the western edge of the time zone keeps it light until 10pm, sometimes even a bit later. Kind of crazy!
On the morning of day 2 there is a volleyball tournement between all the cabins. Dan and Dan lead that on the beach.

All the kids heading down to the beach for volleyball.

One skit that Dan does during club involves him dressed up as a "lucky leprechaun" and he comes out by himself to irish techo music and is totally hilarious and then shows a funny You Tube video. This is him getting ready back stage.
Me and me lucky leprechaun.
The Leprechaun on stage doing his leprechaun dance.

After club and cabin time on day 2 there is something called Castaway Nigh Live (like Saturday night live). Dan and Dan opened up the night with a really funny skit that they are doing right here. Then all the leaders do different skits on stage. (One side note - Dan Nicholas got totally spewed on by a leader who had just done a skit where he had to eat 3 twinkies and chug three bottles of red gatorade. DISGUSTING!)

Close up of the skit in action. :)

Right after club Dan and I walked outside to find such a pretty sunset. No one was around so we just took pictures of eachother.

Enjoying the sunset!

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