Friday, April 17, 2009

Double Duty

Hi Friends out there in blog land. This picture does a good job summing up a lot about our life lately. It is crazy, funny, stinky, cute, difficult, different than I ever could have expected, suprising, silly, wonderful, tiring, trying, frustrating, invigorating, magical, all consuming, dirty, out of control, cozy, colorful, changing all the time, revealing, refining, loud, quiet, tearful (both mine and the babies'), fearful, life giving, life taking, a roller coaster ride, joful, constant, chaotic, and grace filled.

No one could ever explain the feeling of parenthood until you just do it. Both the highs and the lows are just completely unimaginable until you are there. I sometimes think at the end of the day, I can't believe I made it. And most mornings when I wake up, I start with a prayer that pretty much says, I have no idea how I am going to do this again today. the midst of the struggles and tiredness and choas there are moments of absolute grace and blissfulness. They are usually short and quickly interrupted by some kind of crying, spitting up, pooping, tantrum, or our crazy dog, but in those moments of beauty and grace all the darkness is melted away. If you are in this phase of life, or ever have been, I'm sure you can relate. :)


Emily @ Live Renewed said...

Meg - sometimes you make me really excited for the adventure of two under two. But, most of the time you make me scared out of my mind!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I've been in that phase, but I was on the receiving end. Your end comes later for me :-).

Anyway, it was so good to see you guys on Easter!

- Nathan

Nicole said...

You guys are awesome --I'm so glad that we are in this together!

Bronwen said...

Meghan. I love your reflections. Your honesty and commitment to look for positive things is awesome--you are one courageous mama!