Thursday, February 26, 2009


This past week Dan, Lily, and I got to spend some time out in Breckenridge. It was amazing. A great time with friends, skiing, bonding with Lily, and relaxing!

Rach and I at the top of the mountain.

Dan and Lily at the Breckenridge Brewery.

Katie, my good friend from highschool and college, who now lives in Denver, came out to ski with me for a day.

Dan and Lily spent a lot of time chilling together while I was skiing. It is nice to have a hubby that doesn't like skiing when you bring a baby along :)

My and my Lily girl!

Kickin it at Rasta Pasta. Definitely check it out if you are ever in Breckenridge!

Yummy pasta!

Anna, me, Rach, and Kelly.

The group, minus me and Dan.

Katie with Grace and Emily. For the night they named them selves the movours, because they were all wearing'd have to be between the ages of 6 and 8 to get it.

Katie and I in front of the crazy amazing house we stayed in. It was built out of whole trees from Canada. They actually assemble the whole house in Cananda, then take it apart, ship all the logs, and put it together again in CO.
better shot of the house, but you can't fully take in the magnitude unless you are there.

Main living room.

My little ski bunny.

Lily is even shocked by the awesomeness of this house.

Just chillin.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I love to kiss my sister

I took this on the same night. Isaac does sometimes wear clothes :) This is the usual around here. I actually sometimes have to give Isaac time outs for kissing Lily too much. Not kidding.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Isaac & Bear

First of all, Isaac LOVES to take his clothes off. He always wants to take his clothes off. Last night I let him run around for a little bit without clothes. Second of all, Isaac loves Bear. It is so cute.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Lily is at the age where I feel like I am just starting to get to know her. She is still very mysterious to me. She is such a different little person than her brother. She is much more reserved and much more skeptical about everything and everyone. Tonight I was taking some pictures of Lily and just really trying to capture something that was really just her. I thought that I messed up on this one because it was so bright, but as I was looking back through the pictures, this one totally stood out to me. Her eyes are so gorgeous and there is something very kind in her eyes. I love this little girl so much.

Friday, February 13, 2009


This is Isaac's buddy Fin. They are so cute together. Isaac hangs out with Fin at his house on Wendesdays, and Fin hangs out at our house on Thursdays. For awhile now I have noticed that Isaac refers to Fin as "cuu cuu". I have been really puzzled by this. Then today I realized "cuu cuu" means cookie, and Phins mom, Anna, is the cookie queen (amazing baker). So, I'm assuming that Isaac has tasted some of her delights over there and now refers to Phin as "cuu cuu" or "cookie". It'll be pretty funny if when they are in high school Isaac is still calling him cookie. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Isaac & Lily

So I am getting a little bit obsessed with the picture comparisons. Below is a picture of Lily and Isaac at the same age wearing the same outfit...even the same slippers. So cute!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


This morning I was going through some old pictures and couldn't help but notice some resemblance between myself and my children. It's actually almost kind of freaky. I am on the left in both sets. I guess at this point in time the Mahoney genes are beating the Orr genes. :) Also, on a side's pretty funny that Isaac and I have the same hairdo. I'm not sure what that says about either him or I.